Project Update | March 2024
Project update from Derek Walsh, Contract Manager for BAM UK & Ireland, as at 4/3/24
New Kingsway / Link Road

It has been a turbulent winter with storms and flooding which has proved challenging for the entire project team. Despite this, the Link Road works have progressed with traffic signs, street lighting, vehicle safety barriers, and landscaping nearing completion between the A93 and A94 roundabouts.
The open section of the Link Road between Stormontfield roundabout and the A93 roundabout has been well-received by the local community and offers a glimpse of what the completed Link Road will look like. This section is facilitating local upgrade works to the existing Stormontfield Road which has progressed well in recent months with infrastructure including culverts, drainage and in-situ kerbing now completed. Surfacing and finishing works are scheduled for the next period.
Work on the Green Bridge at Highfield has also been impacted with weather; however, the remaining works are scheduled for completion in the next period, facilitating the connection between the new road to Highfield Plantation for active travel users and wildlife. Access paths leading up to the bridge are scheduled for completion in late spring 2024.
Destiny Bridge
The west abutment stem wall located immediately west of the Highland Railway line has progressed well with the first pour of three now complete. The east abutment foundation steel fixing, shuttering and concrete works are also complete, and can now facilitate the abutment (end support) construction.
Preparation for the superstructure including preassembly of the Balanced Cantilever Form Travellers are well under way with the first elements now being erected onto the hammerhead.
The construction of the initial Form Traveller deck segment of reinforced steel, high-strength concrete, and post-tensioning cables will commence shortly. A careful construction sequence will ensure that a segment will be constructed on either side of each pier to maintain a perfect balance. The bridge is currently forecast to be completed in 2024.
With the new A9 alignment to the west well-established and working well for drivers, and in addition to this, ancillary works such as bus-bays, footpaths, and accommodation works have now been completed.
The focus now remains on the next phase of the works. The earthworks and drainage along the old A9 route are well underway despite the harsh winter. Completion of the Bertha Loch replacement culvert (including diversion) means that all culverts as now done. The earthworks for the new park-and-choose area are also completed.
The A9 Overbridge superstructure has advanced well, with the deck waterproofing complete and finishing works (kerbing, ducting and hard landscaping) underway.
The opening of the existing cycle path for use by both cyclist and pedestrian users has allowed for a new diversion route, enabling works to progress for the Denmarkfield Access Portal. Piling works for the portal have commenced recently, with an anticipated completion date of Easter 2024.