Speed reduction on A9

7th November, 2022
General News

To ensure a safer working environment for the construction of the new Cross Tay Link Road, including a safer environment for the public, the temporary speed limit on the A9 running through the project site is being reduced.

The new temporary speed limit will be 40mph on both the north and south bound sections of the A9 between the Inveralmond roundabout and Luncarty, down from the current temporary speed limit of 50mph. This is necessary due to the increased use by construction traffic of existing minor junctions off the A9.

The A9 section of the project consists of a realignment of the current road the creation of two new roundabouts, a new bridge over the carriageway and the creation of new Park & Choose and recreation areas.

The Cross Tay Link Road project involves the construction of a new 3-span bridge over the River Tay and six kilometres of new road linking the A9 and the A93 to Blairgowrie and the A94 north of Scone.

The new road will significantly reduce traffic congestion and related pollution in Perth City centre while opening up active travel opportunities and will give access to areas around the city for sustainable development. It is the biggest infrastructure project ever carried out by Perth & Kinross Council.

The temporary speed reduction comes into immediate effect.