Cameron Neil, Student Placement

Over a nine-week period in summer 2024, Cameron Neil, a Dundee University student about to enter the third year of a Civil Engineering degree, completed a summer placement with PKC on the Cross Tay Link Road Project.
Q: What experience have you gained this summer on your placement?
C: I’ve been very hands on over my nine weeks with the project and have worked across many different areas of the site. Primarily, I’ve been involved in site supervision, taking photographs and recording essential information in the site diaries, but I’ve also spent a day with the BAM engineers on the A9 side, including cover surveys checks following the concrete being poured.
Q: How has this tied in with your first two years of study?
C: One of the things I’ve enjoyed most is discovering how my university course work correlates to a real-life job. Quite often while learning you think ‘will I use this?’ and I can now say with certainty that ‘yes, I will use this.’ Even in the first few days, when people mentioned things, I knew what they’re talking about!
I’d say it’s given me a different outlook. I’ve spoken to a lot of people who have all sorts of jobs – office based, design work, on site engineers, environmental, structural. It shown me the opportunities that are out there for me and that has given me renewed motivation for my third year.
Q: What have you learned that’s new to you?
C: A lot of what I’ve done at Uni so far is theoretical – very mathematical and calculation based. My experience on CTLR has been far more physical which really deepens your understanding. For example, looking at the physical aspects of pouring concrete – the heating, the cooling, the checking of temperature. I’ve also looked at post tension work on the bridge and been inside the bridge.
I also spent time with NEC Project Manager, Stuart Ramsay, who taught me how to read the contract and how the process between contractor and client is managed. Understanding how weather events and other issues impact on the long-term programme, and how that is then compensated for in the context of the contract has been really interesting.
Q: What have you enjoyed most?
C: Seeing the progress. So much has been done in only nine weeks! As part of my role I’ve been taking photos every day, and I can see a massive transition in only nine weeks. To go from initial deck segments going down to be able to fully walk across a completed superstructure has been amazing.
Q: Any last comments?
C: I’ve loved every minute of this placement. It’s been so interesting, and I’ve learned so much. I’ve set a reminder on my phone for opening so that I can be amongst the first to drive over the bridge!